Special thanks to Guru for hosting us!

Wifi: guru-guest

pw: strawberry

Slides: https://tinyurl.com/y7rq7tpq

We will be using codepen for our practice problems!

All practice problems, solutions, and examples can be found here, but there will also be individual links to each practice problem. https://codepen.io/collection/AaWKGo/

Intermediate HTML and CSS

Applying your new skills


Girl Develop It is here to provide affordable and accessible programs to learn software through mentorship and hands-on instruction.

Some "rules"

  • We are here for you!
  • Every question is important
  • Help each other
  • Have fun


Tell us about yourself.

  • Who are you?
  • What do you hope to get out of the class?
  • What is/was your favorite cartoon (or TV show)?



Keep it simple!

From a non-technical (and non-linear) point of view...

Either in your own words or using google

define: attribute

Attribute: a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something (From Google)

Try to do this with all other elements and words you might not know in HTML/CSS

Review: Anatomy of a website

A website is like a human body!

Your Content
+ HTML(structure)
+ CSS(presentation)
= Your Website

A website is a way to present your content to the world, using HTML and CSS to make it look good.



  • HTML is like the bones!
  • Opening Tag
  • Closing Tag
  • They act like nesting dolls: last one to open is the first one to close
  • There are some elements that are their own closing tag. We call these elements 'self-closing'. ex. <img/>



  • Each tag can have any number of attributes:
    • Classes, ids, language, source, style, reference, data, etc.



CSS is like the skin! It makes the website look beautiful and not like a creepy skeleton running around.



  • CSS breakdown:


  • Three different ways to include CSS
    • Inline
      <p style="color: red; font-size: 20px; font-style: italic;">
        This has inline styles
    • Internal (Embedded)
        p {
          color: red;
          font-size: 20px;
          font-style: italic;

      You put this in the head of your document!

    • External
      p {
        color: red;
        font-size: 20px;
        font-style: italic;


In the beginning...

CSS didn't always exist!

Layout was initially a table and styles were added as attributes (sometimes there were even style HTML tags, such as for font!)

  • Example 1
  • WEEEEEE!!!!! This is a marquee! (Please don't use this, unless adding a stock market marquee somewhere.)
  • Example 2
  • Example 3

It's ok though! We got CSS in the end!

Semantic HTML

In order for the internet to be accessible to anyone and everyone, your elements should be as meaningful as possible.

Poor example:

  This is a lot of text and probably was not a 
  good idea to use a header for this.


This is a lot of text and probably was not a good idea to use a header for this.

Semantic HTML

  • If you need to write a bunch of text a <p> tag is appropriate
  • For the same reason, something important and short should use header tags (h1, h2, h3, etc.)

    Don't style your <p> tags to look like <h1> tags!!

  • In order for your page to be valid, you can only use one (1) <h1> tag.
  • Tables are actually useful! They are for tabular data!

    You wouldn't use a spreadsheet for your resume, so don't use a table for page layout.


When you write HTML, you need to check that you are writing the correct and allowed elements within other elements.

For example: you cannot place a <div> inside of a <p>


You can look up specific elements and their permitted content on the w3.org site.

List of Elements

Let's develop it!

Starting out

  • Move all the styles to the dedicated stylesheet
  • Fix the semantic markup
  • There are some paragraphs in there that should have a blue background color but they don't
  • There is a photo gallery that is built with a table, remove the table and style the gallery to look like it does with the table.

Responsive Web

Difference between Responsive Design and Adaptive Design

  • Responsive: the webpages will adapt when changing the size of the page
  • Adaptive: you create different (somewhat different) pages depending on the size of the device

HTML is already responsive!!! See this example!

Sometimes that's not enough...

Responsive Web

We can use CSS to assist in making our pages remain responsive.

  • Percentage widths
    • Also percentage margins/padding
    • You can also use calc()

Responsive Web

Percentage Margins!

Fun fact about using percentage margins and padding:

The actual margin/padding is determined/calculated by the WIDTH of the CONTAINER.


Feel free to use percentage left/right margin/padding on your elements, they will look significantly better than using it on top/bottom.

Responsive Web


  • min- and max-width

Use percentage widths and min/max-width in combination for some c R a Z y stuff

img {
  width: 50%;       /* Images will be 50% of their container */
  max-width: 250px; /* Until the image hits 250px
                       then it will remain at 250px */
  min-width: 100px; /* If the image starts to shrink
                       and suddenly 50% is not legible,
                       or doesn't look good,
                       this is as small as it will get */

Let's develop it!

Responsive Gallery

  • Make the images all the same size
  • Have them responsive (grow/shrink) depending on the screen size (don't use media queries!)
  • I want to have 3 images when we are on larger screens, and then it should shrink down to one image at smaller screens.
  • Add a percentage padding on the images in the gallery, while keeping the above layout.



  • Rule of thumb: don't set a height on any elements, because most of the time the content will set the height for you. Unless your intention is to have a set height, then remember to use 'overflow' with height
  • Percentages and heights don't mix

If you want to use a height, for something like a giant hero image, in that case you can use 'vh'!

vh is viewport height

For the image to take up the whole viewport size set height to 100vh

Box Model









Box Model

If we are trying to make pixel perfect responsive designs, percentage widths and padding can mess us up

How do we fix this in order to match our pixel perfect designs?

.selector {
  box-sizing: border-box;

The box will recalculate itself if there is padding and border to remain the same width and height.

Codepen example

Let's develop it!


The height currently set is messing up the background image and the text.

This will be a quick one! Let's do it together!

Directory Structure

Organizing your files

When you have a small site (e.g. a landing page, a CSS file, and maybe a js file, and some images), this isn't as big of a deal


If you are consistent and do this no matter how small the site is, your sites will be easier to develop and you will have an easier time working on teams.

Directory Structure



↳ /your_main_folder ↳ /images — me.jpg ↳ /javascripts — myjs.js ↳ /stylesheets — mystyles.css — index.html

More Advanced

↳ /your_main_folder ↳ /assets ↳ /fonts — icons.woff ↳ /images — me.jpg — logo.svg ↳ /javascripts — jquery.min.js — my_js.js ↳ /stylesheets — my_styles.css ↳ /views ↳ /any_individual_folders — index.html

CSS Organization

  • Organize elements from least specific to most
    • Elements come first
      body {}
      div {}
      ul {}
      p {}
      a {}
    • Then do any classes (in the order that they appear in your document)
      .header {}
      .nav {}
      .container {}
      .content {}
      .footer {}
    • Finally extremely specific styles
      #facebook-icon {}
      #copyright {}

Organizing your CSS


The more selectors we add onto our css selectors will make the stylesheet slower.

Fun fact, the browser reads CSS selectors from right to left.

So the less specific we are on the right (at the end of our selectors) the slower the browser is.

#footer .class a
div .class #link

CSS Organization

One methodology for organizing CSS and naming classes is to use something called BEM

Block, Element, Modifier

  • Block level elements - essentially like your container
  • Elements - the individual elements within your block/container
  • Modifier - sometimes you don't want your elements to look the same every time, and they might change depending

More on BEM

.puppy {}
.puppy__eyes {}
.puppy__ears {}
.puppy__fur {}
.puppy__tail {}
.puppy__nose {}
.puppy__eyes--left {}
.puppy__eyes--right {}
More reading on BEM Using BEM on smaller projects


Try not to use IDs for styling.

Typically IDs are used for JS hooks.

Also they are super specific and can't be reused in the future if you want to have similar styles somewhere else.

IDs can only be overridden with other IDs or more extreme methods such as inline styling or through the use of !important

More on specificity

Keeping specificity low


This is really !important for you to remember:

Avoid using !important in your CSS

Sure, sometimes you can use it, but it overrides any other styles, and if you are trying to override styles and struggling with it, then you need to rethink your styling and not resort to !important

There are times when you might need to use it:

Some jobs might need it

Let's Develop It!


Change all of the classes to use BEM!

CSS Selectors

Let's take a look at the CSS selectors we might already be familiar with:

  • Element selectors: div, p, ul, li, a, etc.
  • Classes: .list, .paragraph, .icon
  • IDs: #footer, #footer
  • Child Selectors: a .icon will select any .icon within a tags
  • Link pseudo selectors: a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:active

But CSS is magical and we can select way more stuff and be more specific without resorting to IDs!

CSS Selectors

div > .pretty {}
  <span class="pretty">
    This has the styles!
    <span class="pretty">
      But this doesn't!
div + .pretty {}
<p class="pretty">
  This has the styles!
<p class="pretty">
  But this doesn't!
div ~ .pretty {}
<div class="pretty">
  This doesn't have the styles!
<p class="pretty">
  This has the styles!
  <p class="pretty">
  And so does this!

CSS Selectors (cont)


Codepen Examples

CSS Selectors you can use

But wait! There's more!

Every element has this hidden space "before" and "after" it.

It can be manipulated a lot like regular elements!

A single div project

Now a break from our regularly scheduled programming

CSS Preprocessors

Several ones you can use or learn about

  • Sass
    • SCSS
  • Less

CSS Preprocessors

Sass CSS

$red:          #cf202d
$almost-white: #f1f2f2
$rhythm: 8px

  padding: $rhythm
  background: $almost-white

    color: $almost-white
    background: $red

  color: $red
body {
  padding: 8px;
  background: #f1f2f2;

body p {
  color: #f1f2f2;
  background: #cf202d;

.my-class {
  color: #cf202d;

CSS preprocessors


$red:          #cf202d;
$almost-white: #f1f2f2;
$rhythm: 8px;

body {
  padding: $rhythm;
  background: $almost-white;

  p {
    color: $almost-white;
    background: $red;

.my-class {
  color: $red;
body {
  padding: 8px;
  background: #f1f2f2;

body p {
  color: #f1f2f2;
  background: #cf202d;

.my-class {
  color: #cf202d;

CSS preprocessors


@red:          #cf202d;
@almost-white: #f1f2f2;
@rhythm: 8px;

body {
  padding: @rhythm;
  background: @almost-white;

  p {
    color: @almost-white;
    background: @red;

.my-class {
  color: @red;
body {
  padding: 8px;
  background: #f1f2f2;

body p {
  color: #f1f2f2;
  background: #cf202d;

.my-class {
  color: #cf202d;

CSS Preprocessors

For smaller projects it doesn't make sense to have this set up.

But in larger projects or projects worked on by several people or teams this is extremely helpful.

CSS prepropcessors allow us to write DRY code through the use of mixins which are sort of like functions.

Check out sass-lang for more info on Sass and SCSS and lesscss.org for more on LESS.

There is an upcoming class on Sass that you should definitely check out! (on Nov 27 and 29)

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming!


  • Block: most elements are set to this; div, p

    this means that no matter how wide, they will clear each other and stack on top of one another

  • Inline-block: this will allow elements to stack up next to one another, as long as there is room, keeps height/width, padding/margin constraints

  • Inline: the element will only take up as much space as it needs, on spans, any styling elements (em, strong)

    will ignore any top/bottom margin you add, will add top/bottom padding, but not move other elements out of the way, will also ignore width and height settings

Display (continued)

  • Table: the elements behave like a table, used with display: table-cell/table-row and so on

  • None: will hide the element and remove it from affecting the document flow

    Not the best rendering solution, you probably shouldn’t put the element in there if you don’t want it to show, usually used in conjunction with js, elements will still load (like images)

Display (continued)


Live in the inspector!

Every browser renders HTML elements differently


We use CSS to try to unify how things look across all the different browsers

Sometimes browsers won’t accept certain styles without the use of browser specific prefixes

-webkit-, -ms-, -moz-, -o-

But also make sure you also include the code without the prefix at the end!


Can I use?

Should I prefix?

Inspectors in various browsers are pretty robust!

Debugging in Browsers

Can’t access a certain browser or want to see how your code will look on a specific browser on a phone?

Browserstack (free 30min trial)

Microsoft Edge This takes a screen shot of your site on Edge or allows you to run a virtual windows machine

Codepen allows free crossbrowser testing of your code snippets

xcode can allow you to emulate iphones/ipads

Chrome has some robust mobile emulators


Not just for taking notes!

Sometimes things just won’t work no matter what you do. Maybe you are absolutely sure you wrote your markup or styles absolutely perfectly, spelled everything right and it’s still just not working, commenting out chunks of code and checking where it still works is the best way to debug something not working.

Speaking of comments!

Developers love comments! (But don't go overboard)

Comments help others understand your code if you do something a little out of the ordinary

Comments help you remember why you did something out of the ordinary


What is a linter?

A linter checks our code and lets us know of any if we took a wrong turn while writing our code

It will set some rules for your editor to follow and your editor can be set to autimatically fix those bad coding practices or to warn you that you did something bad.

There are some "rules" that are suggested that you can follow, but this is really just an opinion:


And if you don't know any Korean (I don't)


Most editors have plugins for these rules to make it easier for you!

Clean Code

White space isn't read by the browser. So make good use of it!

Use indentation!

add a space between a CSS selector and the opening of the rule block ( .some-class {} ) (the blue highlighted part)

CSS Guidelines

Moar debugging!

Can't figure out a problem using any of these tips?



GDI has a Slack group! Ask in the #css-help channel

We also offer awesome Code & Coffee meetups once a month where you can ask real people real questions!

Also, please feel free to bug me at any time of day (morning, evening, 3am). I might not respond at 3am, but I will definitely respond within 24 hours.

